gospel |ˈgäspəl|noun

1 the teaching or revelation of Christ : it is the Church's mission to preach thegospel.
(also gospel truth) a thing that is absolutely true : they say it's sold out, but don't take that as gospel.
a set of principles or beliefs : the new economics unit has produced what it reckons to be the approved gospel.
2 ( Gospel) the record of Jesus' life and teaching in the first four books of the New Testament.

gospeled |ˈgäspəld|adjective / verb

1 the quality of being changed by the good news of Jesus Christ : I have been gospeled.
2 the process of being changed by the good news of Jesus Christ : I am being gospeled.

GOSPELed |ˈgäspəld|reality

1 my personal / communal journey of re-centering all of life and being to the the gospel.